Each points clarify how does each party leaders language use replicate their very own, andtheir partys, political stance at each election. There is no table, chart or picture examination help show the findings. 3. 5 DISCUSSIONS OF FINDING No Keywords given 1. For example in the text:I consider in Britain. It is exam help great nation with exam help great historical past. ?The regime is escalating the violence at every possible opportunity quiz help it is proof that it is decided exam help crush the revolution in any way essential,?Rafif Jouejati, spokeswoman for the Local Coordination Committees of Syria, told CNN. The death toll is ?horrific?but the world also needs examination help know that sexual torture quiz help torture of babies greater to boot, Jouejati said. ?There is systematic augment in the violence quiz help the realm powers, so far, have shown that they are not inclined exam help do much beyond a similar condemnations we have been hearing for the last 19 months. ?The maximum death count Wednesday took place in the Damascus area, where LCC said 162 deaths were said, including 107 in exam help mentioned massacre in Thiabieh. Meanwhile, thousands of displaced Syrians are living in squalid conditions near the Turkish border, fleeing the violence of war in exam help spontaneous encampment, officials said. Rebels from exam help local Free Syrian Army group anticipated 5,500 6,000 people reside in olive groves not removed from the border, with more arriving daily.