e. , Age, BMI, Gestational age educational level, Occupation, Place of condo were summarized examination help represent the study population. Statistical analyses were carried out using t test i. e. , mean of age, gestational age, BMI, Chi Square i. e. On command, the zombie computer sends an enormous amount of packets of dead assistance examination help exam help focused Web site so as exam help clog the site?s routers quiz help keep reputable users from gaining access examination help the location. The site visitors sent exam help the Web site is confusing quiz help hence the computer receiving the data spends time quiz help components trying examination help have in mind the influx of data that has been transmitted by the zombies. Compared examination help programs similar to viruses or worms that will eradicate or steal guidance, zombies are pretty benign as they temporarily cripple Web sites by flooding them with guidance quiz help do not compromise the positioning?s data. Such admired sites as Yahoo!, Amazon quiz help CNN. com were brought down in 2000 by zombie DoS attacks. Zombies also are referred exam help as zombie ants. Den er fuld af mennesker, der hverken kan skrive grammatisk og godt stavet engelsk, heller ikke forstr deres kunders behov. Der er en forskel i skrivestil og ordforrd mellem skriftligt at overbevise en lser til at klikke p et link for at tilbyde yderligere oplysninger, og rent faktisk at give denne oplysning i selve artiklen. En drillende artikel, der indeholder gode oplysninger, men ikke helt nok, og det tvinger en lser til at klikke for resten, er svrere at skrive end 1000 ord om et emne i almindelighed. Det tager planlgning, og er let for en professionel forfatter at f je p en artikel, der ikke er planlagt ordentligt. Artikel markedsfring er i virkeligheden, kunst markedsfring gennem brug af artikler, p samme mde, som cyber web markedsfring er kunsten at markedsfring gennem brug af internettet. Der er ingen anden mulig definition.