For example, Pendleton’s rule has exam help rigid formulas; SIPP quiz help SLC are the models for training in circumstances where feedback is in practice but it acts as grievance in preference to advantageous comments; THANCS, BOOST quiz help Checklist models center around specific features of beneficial feedback; the Sandwich model cover all of the features of the effective comments process but doesn’t address the 2 way verbal exchange aspect. For the intention of literature review the key word thesaurus used was: comments, constructive feedback, coaching valuable feedback, models for comments, models for advantageous comments quiz help giving quiz help receiving feedback. The data bases for the hunt come with: Medline EBSCO, Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, TRIP, ScienceDirect, Pubmed, UK Pubmed Central, ZETOC, University of Dundee Library catalogue, SCIRUS Elsevier quiz help Google Scholar. In usual the medical schools of Pakistan are poor in concept of exam help comments technique quiz help its importance; the coaching quiz help learning events lack the advantages of this useful process. The dialogue about constructive feedback indicates that for medical students quiz help tutors in the context of Pakistan, will facilitate teaching quiz help studying. Through beneficial feedback consciousness, learning might be facilitated by accumulating assistance about students, by deciding on the areas for additional study or requiring additional apply, by encouraging students exam help augment their efforts quiz help by suggesting various learning activities, tools, quiz help study recommendations.